

Complete Your Profile: 

If your profile is incomplete, the client will reject your application instantly, particularly when you are new and haven’t received any good feedback. So to ensure that your application is considered, you must complete your profile. Yes you can’t build your reputation by your own, but you can complete your profile with ease and its under your control. So before applying for any job, ensure that your profile is 100% complete. It will increase the chances that the client hires you for his job.

Cover Letter: 

Cover letter is the second strongest impression which makes clients decide either you are a good fit for their job or not. While writing the cover letter, try to convince the client that you are the perfect match for the posted job. Tell him that you can do it the best. A generic cover letter like “I will do this job for $20” isn’t going to win that job. Instead be creative in your writing.

Tell the client that you will try your best to satisfy his needs. Also consider leaving the job price under client’s budget. Moreover, request the client that you’re struggling to utilize your skills as a newbie. In most cases, a good cover letter does everything and wins the job for you.

When I wrote my first cover letter, I admitted that I’m new but I can do the job perfectly. I’m skilled to do that job. I also bid little and that was the reason I succeeded in winning my first job without any difficulty. Here is the reply I received from my very first oDesk client.

Bid Less :

Be Accurate: In early days of your oDesk career, you get very few application quota and in such a situation, you need to bid intelligently. So while bidding for jobs, be accurate. Bid only if you believe that you can do the job perfectly. If the job doesn’t match your skills or if you can’t do it perfectly, then consider waiting for a new, more relevant job that would be done brilliantly by you.

Also look for the guidelines defined by client. If he needs reputed freelancers with several hours of work at oDesk, then its better not to bid for that job. Wait and find jobs where guidelines are the easiest for you. It will not only save your application quota but will increase the chance of winning that job too.

Be Honest: 

You need to be honest in your freelancing career to get a sparkling success in long run. When a client hires you, he expects that you do his job brilliantly. He spends hard earned money and you need to deliver value for the spent money. If you honestly complete the job given to you, the client surely rates you positively and a positive rating is everything you need for success in your freelancing career.

Remember that establishing a solid, positively rated profile is a tough task at freelance websites and once you succeed in earning some positive ratings from your clients, your way towards success gets cleared. A solid profile will earn jobs with great ease for you in future, so be honest to ensure that you build a solid recognition that earns jobs with ease in upcoming days.

Be Co-operative and Punctual: 

The last tip, you must complete the given job in specified time. During the job period, try to respond client’s queries quickly. Make yourself available for the client to answer his questions and concerns. A good co-operation with client and the job completion within specified time period will surely make the client happy and you will surely get a positive feedback from the client, making your paths safe and easier towards success.

So these were some tips which will help you in winning your very first job at oDesk or any other freelancing website. I hope the tips will get you a job on your freelancing platform soon. Or are you already working on freelancing websites and have got some valuable tips to share with newbie freelancers? Your comments are appreciated :)

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